Reminders & Notices to Keep You Up-to-date

Take a moment to learn how you can speed up the process for prior authorizations, credentialing new providers, claims processing and more.

Speed Up Prior Authorizations

To improve the response time of authorization requests, Samaritan Health Plans encourages you to submits your prior authorizations electronically through Provider Connect. If you require assistance accessing Provider Connect, contact Provider Relations at [email protected].

Contact SHP With Provider & Demographic Changes

Todos los cambios demográficos y de proveedores deben informarse a Samaritan Health Plans dentro de los 30 días. Actualiza tu información electrónicamente para ayudarnos a proporcionar la información más precisa a nuestros miembros.

Allow Time for Credentialing New Provider

Remember to allow 90 days from the time we receive a complete Oregon Practitioner Credentialing Application (OPCA) and supporting documents so the Credentialing Department can complete their process in order to add a new practitioner.

Help Us Process Claims Quickly & Accurately

For timely processing of claims, remember to use appropriate modifiers. The Oregon Health Authority Fee Schedule is a great resource for more information about procedure codes and when modifiers are required.

Add Referring Provider to Claims Is Required

For DME, lab and imaging claims, the referring provider is required to be submitted on the claim. Please review CFR 42 C.F.R § 455.410 and OAR 410–120–1260 to learn more about these requirements. 

An Active Medicare/Medicaid ID Is Required to Bill Claims

For Samaritan Advantage and InterCommunity Health Network CCO all ordering and referring providers must have an active Medicare/Medicaid ID. To implement and regulate this requirement, we will be updating our system to comply with Medicare and Medicaid regulations and begin denying claims not billed correctly as of September 1, 2020. To learn more about these requirements, review CFR 42 C.F.R § 455.410 and 410–120–1260.

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