Explore Our Portfolio

A broker consults with a senior couple in her office.

Medicare Plans

With Samaritan Health Plans, your clients get so much more than with Original Medicare alone. Our Medicare Advantage plans start at just $9 per month – with options available with or without prescription drug coverage. All plans feature low copays for doctor and specialist visits, $0 medical deductibles and a host of benefits designed to keep your clients healthy and active.


A groups of happy office employees together in a hallway smiling.


Large Group Plans

Our plans hold the line on an employer’s insurance costs by engaging employees and their families in maintaining and improving their health. We created our plans for our own employees and have proven the link between healthier employees and lower health care costs.


Man working in a shop wearing a mask and protective gear.


Association Health Plans

In addition to large groups of 51 employees or more, Samaritan Health Plans offers employer health insurance plans through contracts with Salem Contractors Exchange and Merit Construction Alliance.

We are also interested in partnering with additional trade associations. If you have recommendations, please email:[email protected].


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