Broker Connect – Summer 2022

Broker Commissions Schedule Updated

Samaritan Health Plans is excited to let brokers know that we have updated our broker commission schedule.

Due in large part to feedback from its broker partners, Samaritan Advantage is now paying the initial year commission in a lump sum for 2022, for the month the member enrolled in our plan. Samaritan’s broker community commented that paying the initial year commission in a pro-rated, monthly amount was outside of industry standard. The commission also ended up being less for members who became eligible later in a calendar year.

You spoke. We listened. And we’re not stopping there. Looking ahead, we are pleased to announce that Samaritan Advantage is increasing our commission amounts in 2023 for both initial and renewing years. Look for more details in an upcoming edition of Broker Connect.

Mark Your Calendars for 2023 Broker Trainings

Online agent training is expected to be available by Monday, Sept. 12th, through Convey Miramar: Agent, and you will be contacted via email upon its release.

In addition, SHP will be hosting voluntary virtual Samaritan Advantage product training sessions again this year. These sessions are always great way to connect and collaborate. You’ll get an overview of plan year changes and review some operational information and resources. 2023 Virtual Training Sessions are scheduled for:

  • Tuesday, Sept. 13 – 9 to 10:30 a.m.
  • Wednesday, Sept. 14 – 2:30 to 4 p.m.

Please watch for a related email. If neither of these work with your schedule, please let us know and we can coordinate another option.

SHP Website Updated With Brokers, Members in Mind

You may have noticed a few changes to the Samaritan Health Plans website. Samaritan’s digital marketing and information technology teams have simplified the navigation and streamlined the content structure to make it easier for brokers, members and providers to find what they need.

The new changes also serve to improve the overall user experience by eliminating duplicate content and ensuring that our document libraries are accurate and up to date.

Check Out Your New Broker Pages

From the Samaritan Health Plans home page, merely select Brokers from the drop-down menu under Shop Plans, then click on the Broker Resources tile on the right side of the quick links.

An image of the five quick link on the Broker website page.

The Broker Resources page has all the most frequently accessed forms and current year plan documents. We encourage you to bookmark that page for future use.

If for some reason you can’t find what you need or have feedback about the website updates, call a Samaritan Health Plans sales representative. SHP values its broker relationships, and we want your experience finding plan information and selling our plans to be positive and worry-free.

Get to Know Kari Shinn

Kari Shinn is the senior sales representative at Samaritan Health Plans. She conducts SHP’s broker trainings and values these opportunities to connect with the broker team and get feedback on our operations, plan designs and benefits. On the sales side, Kari hosts group meetings and meets one-on-one with prospective members.

In addition, she plays a key role in the development of SHP’s marketing materials and works with other departments to improve the member experience. She also regularly collaborates with organizations such as SHIBA to learn how to better serve the Medicare population.

Time at Samaritan: 14 years.

Personal: Married with two children.

Hobbies: Planning family outings and staying active as a member of a women’s running group in Albany.

Favorite part of her job: At one time Kari thought she wanted to be a teacher, so she enjoys the educational aspect of her job at Samaritan – both working with brokers and helping individuals understand the ins and outs of Medicare and how to select a plan that’s right for their individual needs.

Your Broker Relations Team

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