DST: Building Healthier Communities Together February 21, 2020 The Delivery System Transformation Committee, known as DST, is open to anyone who can positively affect the health outcomes of InterCommunity Health Network Coordinated Care Organization (IHN-CCO) members. The DST works to improve health care by bringing the community together. It consists of individuals from all aspects of CCO involvement: executive directors, front desk staff, traditional health workers, medical providers and more. Each member who has voting rights (attending six times in the last five months) has equal voice in the voting process and everyone who is participating in the meetings has a voice at the table. The DST utilizes workgroups, groups of people working toward a common agenda, to help develop and support transformational health care efforts. The workgroups focus on cross-sector collaboration between Patient-Centered Primary Care Homes and community efforts and services. The goal is to achieve the Triple Aim – better health, better access to health care and reduced cost of care. Learn more about the Delivery System Transformation Committee – its workgroups and pilot programs. If you are interested in building a healthier community, please email: [email protected] to learn more.