State’s Prioritized List Provides Critical Information

As 2018 approaches, providers are encouraged to revisit how the prioritized list may impact patient care with “above and below the line” services. A clear understanding of the Prioritized List will aid in providing covered services to members of InterCommunity Health Network Coordinated Care Organization (IHN-CCO), and ensure prompt payment of claims. Revisit how the prioritized list works.

All IHN-CCO plan benefits are subject to review for compliance with the list, in addition to review for appropriateness of services provided and the treatment setting. Services that are considered “below the line” in the Prioritized List will be denied payment by IHN-CCO. These services cannot be billed to the patient without the written consent of the patient prior to delivery of services.

IHN-CCO is under contract with the State of Oregon to administer the Oregon Health Plan (OHP) in Linn, Lincoln and Benton Counties. OHP provides access to health insurance for Medicaid-eligible, low-income residents. 

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