Large Group Plans

State map with Benton, Lincoln & Linn counties highlighted

Plans for 51+ Employees

Samaritan Health Plans offers large group plans for Oregon businesses with more than 50 employees. Our health plans help hold the line on your insurance costs by engaging your employees and their families in maintaining and improving their health.

For more information on our various plan offerings, contact your broker or a Samaritan Health Plans sales agent.

Large Group Plan Information

Understand Your Benefits

Review the certificate of your plan to understand the details of your covered health care and prescription drug benefits:

For plans with an effective start date in 2024, please review:

Some Services Require Authorization

Coverage of certain medical services and surgical procedures requires Samaritan Health Plans’ written authorization before the services are performed. Your provider can request prior authorization by phone, fax or mail. If for any reason your provider will not or does not request prior authorization for you, you must contact Samaritan Health Plans yourself. In some cases, additional information or a second opinion can be required before authorizing coverage.

Additional Benefits Available 

Our large group plans can be customized with the following optional benefits:

Employee Assistance Program (EAP):

Schedule of Benefits

Brokers can contact their Samaritan Health Plans sales representative for detailed information. Employers can call their broker or sales representative.

Looking for Additional Forms & Documents?

Find forms, certificates and other important plan documents in our Plan Administrators section.

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