Before deciding whether Medicare should cover a particular item (such as a brace or a hearing aid) or a service (such as therapy or screenings), the federal government conducts a comprehensive review process, and occasionally Congress may pass a law requiring coverage of a particular item or service. After coverage determinations or decisions are authorized, Medicare coverage is modified and Medicare carriers and other contractors (including Medicare Advantage organizations) coordinate their processes to fulfill these new coverage obligations. The formal name for these decisions which allow, limit, or exclude Medicare coverage is known as a national coverage determination (NCD). Coverage guidelines and effective dates are defined by Medicare or other rule making authority.Changes are listed below and are periodically updated. For more information, please contact Customer Service at 541-768-7866 or toll free 866-207-3182 (TTY 800-735-2900 or 711). Customer Service is available during the following hours:
For more details, see the links below on the CMS Website.
Page Updated 10-1-2024
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