Reminders & Notices to Keep You in the Know December 18, 2020 Authorizations Effective Nov. 1, 2020, prior authorizations must be submitted via Provider Connect. Requests submitted after Nov. 1, 2020, via fax will be returned to the provider for resubmission through Provider Connect. For more information regarding this change, visit the provider portal. Provider & Demographic Changes All provider and demographic changes must be reported to Samaritan Health Plans within 30 days. Update your information electronically to help us provide the most accurate information to our members. Credentialing Remember to allow 90 days from the time we receive a completed Oregon Practitioner Credentialing Application (OPCA) and supporting documents, for the Credentialing Department to complete its new practitioner process. EFT/ERA: InstaMed Rollout Delay The implementation of InstaMed to deliver EFT/ERAs has been delayed until 2021. EFT and ERAs will continue through Samaritan Health Plans until the new rollout date. For more information on registering for the 2021 rollout, visit EFT-ERA-Enroll.